Rwanda Ranked Third on the Continent, Visa Openness Index Report.

Rwanda ranked third on the continent in regards to visa openness by African Development Bank and the Africa Union Commission.
On 28th November 2018, the Africa Visa Openness Index released 2018 Report in Addis Ababa by the African Development Bank and the Africa Union Commission.
The ranking, released in Addis Ababa, comes weeks after a Gallup Poll ranked Rwanda the third most welcoming country for migrants worldwide, behind Iceland and New Zealand.
The latest Visa Openness Index noted that Rwanda continues to move up the rankings.
At a time when a number of countries across the world are adopting protectionist policies such as strict visa regimes, Africa continues to open up borders. Rwanda is one of the most open countries on the continent.
Among fears that countries have advanced to tighten visa regimes include concerns on security, erosion of their respective cultures, as well as economic vulnerabilities.
However, multiple indexes show that Rwanda, which started the effort to relax visa restrictions on citizens of the world in 2013, has not suffered from these challenges.
The authors of the report also observed that Rwanda has served as a model for countries seeking to openup their borders and liberalizing movement citing the case of Ethiopia and Benin.
Between 2013 and 2016, the number of Africans receiving visas on arrival in Rwanda increased by more than 100 per cent, says the report.
“The country attracted higher numbers of visitors, greater investment, and hosted more conferences due to the removal of travel restrictions. Total travel and tourism contributed 12.7 per cent to Rwanda’s GDP in 2017 and is forecast to rise by 6.8 per cent in 2018, according to the World Travel and Tourism Council Economic Impact 2018 Report,” the report adds.
根据卢旺达发展局(RDB)传播与市场负责人Sanny Ntayombya的说法,逐步签证制度向更多的投资者和游客敞开了大门,从而推动经济发展。
According to Sanny Ntayombya, the Rwanda Development Board (RDB) Head of Communication and Marketing, a progressive visa regime has improved accessibility to investors and tourists consequently driving up receipts.
The Visa Openness Index assesses the progress African countries have realized in relaxing their visa regimes.